Bin runnin' a bunch and that's about it really.
Weather as mad as a box of frogs. Warm.....winter's over. Snow and bloody frozen, no it isn't. Warm as a warm thing, yep it's over. Soddin ice storm! Nope it ain't. Over 60 oF, well that's deffo it now. Running in the morning and it's below 20 oF!!!!!
Most runs have been 5 or 7 mile efforts. Couple of 5's under 35 min but nothing under 34 min yet, even when I am running pretty hard. Condition shave been nasty - ice and mud - but even so.
Managed a couple of decent efforts, 12 miles a couple of weeks back. First 5 with MLW and then 7 more on my lonesome at a bit more of a stretch. Last weekend, after a very lazy week - had a chesty cough and thought better of running too much - I was desperate to get a reasonable run in. Saturday came and the weather was pretty soddin' miserable. Low 30's and windy. Worst running weather ever! I was (in the words of the immortal Randy Jackson) "not feelin' it dawg!" Didn't want to run, but heck life ain't supposed to be fun is it? So a 15(ish) route sketched out, initial 10 mile loop (of the Mark fast run fame - see last post) and then a 5 mile smaller loop. By the first light (0.8 miles form home) I am suffering. Nearly just turn round and go home, but hang a right and off we go. Three miles in and still not feeling great - decide it's not going to be fun or fast but shite lets just get miles done. At 8 miles I am 50/50 on just taking a short cut home for a 8 mile total. Few firm words to myself and I battle on. Hot now, over dressed. Decide that at 10 miles I drop by home and divest somewhat - risky move as I might quit but a test of my will power. Hit home at 70 min so the pace isn't that bad! Chuck down my over vest, gloves and even my outer long sleeve layer. Lighter and cooler I head out for the final five - bit looser and happier. Last couple are a struggle but I finish in 1:45 and change. The old iphone (mapmyrun app) gives up after 12.39 miles, but the time is 1:34:30 (6min 50 sec miles). So in the end it appears I have manages about 15.5 miles at 3 hour marathon pace. Initially feels kind of cool. But then I feel sick for rest of day - almost throw up in the library and have to sit down to gather myself. Hhhm, maybe pushed a bit too hard.
Either way fastest 15 miler I've ever done in training and a good sign. Clearly can push myself. And without water or aid stations maybe that explains the nausea afterwards. Legs as sore as F the next day. And chesty cough back with avengence. Oh well. Flying Pig is only 6 weeks away
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