Sunday, February 27, 2011

They think it's all over!!!

Well English soccer fans will understand the quote! Nobby dancing and all that.
Anyway, middle of last week and the temps suddenly went through the roof - in the 40s for goodness sake. Sub-bloody-tropical, kind of. With the snow rapidly disappearing and the advent of spring apparently on the horizon the Bollux-brain turned to pursuits more summertime. Checked out the bikes and obviously work needed - the Big Dog (moncog 29er) needs a new seat post, and a damn good clean/bit of TLC, the fixie needs new bars! Switched (actually turned and chopped) the dropped bars back three years ago in Columbia MD to give it the "hardcore" messager chic look. Yeah well. This look was O.K. for Columbia which makes "Stepford" (as in "Wives") look a bit non-conformist. But up here in MSU territory where fixies are two a penny and they all seem to have the messager stylee cow horns, it looks a wee bit sad. So time to replace the drop bars and convert it back to a true "let's kick some arse" training machine.
Couple of nice warm runs and then..........bugger me the winter returns with avengence!
Course the weather turns just in time for the weekend. Friday nice and warm, Saturday morning (when I'm heading to track club for the Tombstone X) and it's 24 oF!
Hit Mount Hope Cemetery at the appointed time, interesting run this one. One mile (or a tad over) lap and, oh lets do the math, you run it 10 times to complete the Tombstone X. Great because you run past the clock each mile, no guessing, no checking the clock, no second guessing the spacing of the mile markers. You know the pace you are running. Hit the pavement - two guys set off like rabbits (don't see them again) but me and one other guy find a rhythm - first mile 6:15 bit on fast time but not too bad. Route is fun, flat for first couple hundred yards, then a fair hill, but once at top of hill its down and undulating back to start. Second mile 11:45 min, holding strong. Third mile and feelin' good at top of hill have to wait for the guy I've been running with. When he comes back to me, he doesn't even pause, straight past me without a glance - all about business this guy! By mile 5, I am feeling the pace. My guy pulls ahead and I have no answer, wonder if I will even make it to the end - bit disheartened. Get a life DB!! Ease the pace back and try to relax. 5 miles and through in 31 min (plus change), 6 miles 37 min and change.
Keep the pace smooth and even find a steady groove to finish the ten in 64:04. The pace I needed to be hitting in prep for Flying Pig.
Sunday another 9 miles at about 7:30 pace - tired on Monday. Sunday and the weather arrives big time. Over night 8-10 inches snow, roads a joke! No running Monday. Tuesday run the train run, to Edgewood, Sanner farm and Middle school XC course. Wow hard as a hard thing - 5.1 miles, takes me 55 min. Break trail basically the whole way, up to my mid-shin in snow. When I get back on the road my running shoes feel like clogs! Make a strange click click sound. Realize by bloody soles have frozen! Love this winter in MI stuff.
Bit lazy rest of week. Run 7 on Friday at 7:00 pace, plan a 14 miler for Saturday but end up going downhill skiing at Caberfae instead, complete with pizza and too much beer (screw it ying and yang and all that). Next week will have to put miles in to make up for my laziness

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