Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just Sayin!

Never actually been to Idaho! Don't really know squat about the state - probably (definitely) couldn't even point to it on a map of the Good Ol' U S of A. So what gives I hear you say?

Well on way home the other night I followed a car from the great state of Idaho! Know this cos of the Idaho tags! Which is why I'm tapping away at the keyboard (rather than watching American Idol, OK so that's not the only reason).

The tags in question (and I have pictorial proof) bear the legend "Idaho, Famous Potatoes". OH COME ON!!!!! Is that really the best the state has to offer?

Doesn't even claim "Good" or Delicious" Potatoes, just famous! Jesus in a campervan that's a bit on the lame side!

Just sayin'!!!


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