Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Labor Day and more Runnin'/Bikin'

So all of a sudden lots of stuff seems to be happening. Guess we are just getting more “plugged in” here in sunny Okemos.

Labor Day weekend was action packed. Tired legs from the weekly commute and I was all up for a lazy weekend, fat chance.

Sunday and off to Sleepy Hollow State park for a bit of MTB fun with Hard Runnin’ Mark and MLW. Mark as well as a damn fine runner is a pretty competitive Adventure Racer, so his biking isn’t too shabby. Hit the trails at Sleepy Hollow at a fair old clip. Mark still sporting his early 90s Specialized Stumpjumper (Biopace chain ring – a thing of great beauty) and I am on my current weapon of choice the late 80’s Specialized Rockhopper SS conversion (also sporting a Biopace chain ring) – we are the throw back twins.

We scoot along and it is the best aerobic workout on the MTB in a while. Trails are not technical but are rooty enough with sections of quite long grass and some half-decent climbs to keep it interesting. For brief sections I am totally “in the zone” just focused on staying on Mark’s wheel as he tears through the narrow and rooty single track. Not an epic but trails that are certainly worth another visit. Only downer is my rear wheel flats (again) jumping a small log about a mile from the car. Third time in a few weeks – something up with the wheel, needs sorting. So end up running with my bike the last mile hey it’s a workout! Loop was probably around 7 miles and plenty of stuff we didn’t hit this time.

"Hard Runnin' Mark" and MLW at Sleepy Hollow

Monday and it’s time to hit the trails running! Hook up with MLW’s running group at a very local trailhead (just off Dobie Rd not 2 miles from our house). Neighbor mark also joins us and we head into the woods. Trail is actually three trails in separate park areas but makes a sensible 5 mile loop. Lots of stopping and waiting for the group to gather at forks but plenty of good running. Last couple of miles is a fun fest as mark and “Yours Truly” race Dakota – the dog that accompanied us – back to the car. I suspect she would have beaten us handsomely if she hadn’t stopped periodically in the middle of the trail until she could hear her “Mommy’s” voice behind us.

Running group in Okemos Mi

Trail is certainly worth checking out on the bike too – maybe even a night-ride venue?

Tuesday and back to the commute and track club – Wow, legs are a little frazzled.

Lots going on – making the best of what is available and trying to get into some kind of shape before winter comes along and chucks a great big stick in the spokes of MTB-fun. Ho-Hum just have to stay flexible with plans and see how things pan out – an adventure if nothing else.

Mi 1000 update! Up to over 700 miles now - cutting back to 2-3 days a week commute - will be a "nail biter" to see if I can get the "1000-fixed" done before year end.

Till next time,


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