Monday, August 31, 2009

Balmy Michigan Summer!

Last day of August,

Michigan summer in full effect!

48 oF when I left my house to ride to work this morning!!!!

Bloody hell it's going to be a long winter!

Long sleeves and long fingered gloves - still out on the bike and that's the main thing. Bought a new(ish) car last week so the "Bollux" are a two car family again :(

Thought that might end my rides to work but still cruising - nearly 600 miles of the Mi 1000 clocked up and hopefully rest will happen before darkness/ice make bike commuting a no no. Lights have been installed on the fixie for those gloomy mornings - two last week when rain and cloud meant leaving home before 6:50 am was impossible without illumination.

Happy ridin' guys


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