Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lazy B!

Lazy B, yep that's me.
Slowed down on the old blog, mainly cos life is so much more busy right now - new job and youngun's doing loads of crazy sh%t - water polo for C's sake! What's that all about?

Anyway, despite crazy busyness been really doing quite a lot really. Lots of adventure type stuff and been training if not everyday (like the New Years Rezzies initially prescribed) then certainly 3-4 times a week. Two and a half months in and I've probably strung more runs together this year so far than I manged all last year put together. Nothing too long yet, 13.5 miles longest yet - remarkable as a run less for it's distance than for the fact that I was desperate for the loo within 10 min of starting. Few dodgy moments that even had me searching newspaper boxes for paper in case I could find a secluded spot to "lose some weight" so to speak. Tell you what, high visibility, neon yellow HAT Run running shirts are great when you want to avoid getting hit by cars when running - when you want to sneak away for a sneaky poo, not so good.

In the end no harm no foul, managed to make t home with my dignity intact!!

Earlier in the year the fun was mainly enjoying the nice cold weather up here in MI! MLW got me an industrial strength sleeping bag (rated down to -15!!) for Crimbo so needed to check it out. So one cold Saturday in January I shovelled the snow down in a patch in the back yard, pitched the tent - so cold one of the bendy poles snapped. That night just happened to be the coldest of the year! Down to below zero!!! as I head out for the night. Lowest I actually confirmed in the tent was -2 oF. Smashing, crowned me the "King of Cold" with the guys, coldest night camped out by any of us! Nice and warm in the new bag and a nice rime of ice inside the tent in the morning as evidence that I had indeed kept breathing all night. Quite an adventure, but the next day (Sunday) the adventures really began.......... Fill you in next time!

Soddin' Cold


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