Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's a wrap!

So on a cold dreary Wednesday morning (December 2nd), in the dark, bumbling to work at slightly less than 16 mph the Mi 1000 is rather unceremoniously finished. The lack of occasion is exacerbated by the momentous moment being marked by my odometer clicking past 930 miles! As a consequence of some early Michigan luddite moments in my first weekend when I dropped my cycling computer and the batteries coming out - resetting the odometer and loosing me 70 miles!

Still it is behind me - and a good job cos on Thursday we have our first snow of the year and as a result my Friday morning bike commute is cancelled due to slippery conditions. Good effort generally though - first time I've ever 1) ridden a thousand miles on the fixie in a single calendar year (in fact in just shy of 7 months) and first year I am still riding my fixie to work in December.

Not sure how many more mornings this year will see fixie action to work!



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