Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Grim Up North

Full impact of increased latitude has become apparent - it's now "proper" dark when I leave for work at a smidge before 7 am. New commuting lights have been purchased and installed which at least means the cars can see me - but with headlight glare my visibility is limited at times. No mishaps yet but a couple of near misses. One early morning shadow turned out not to be a shadow at all but a very deceased raccoon lying stiffly across the bike lane. My heart rate went up significantly even if its didn't. Then I had a close encounter with with a piece of cast iron sewer pipe that some kind joker had stood on end right in the middle of the bike lane - few choice words into the darkness I ca tell you. But the best was yet to come! Friday on my very happiest commute to date - 45 oF and pishing down, and I only have a very jolly flat don't I!! Dark with frozen fingers so a fix at the road side wasn't on the cards so I took what was described as the "walk of shame" in this weeks "Bicycling" and walked/jogged my bike the last mile to work - what joy!

Still at least the 2-3 times a week bike commute is giving me some saddle time! And glacially slow progress toward the Mi 1000 (almost at 900 miles now). Weather has been damper than Marty Pellows backing band and has put the kibosh ob mtbing completely! The Rockhopper hasn't seen any action in weeks. Trying to maintain a semblage of fitness by running - but crikey isn't running (even in the dark/cold/wet) a dull activity? Mustn't complain and just get the miles in over the winter so that the HAT is at least a possibility come March!



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