Monday, June 8, 2009

And then... there were three!

Tuesday and I finally made it to the "track club" running group, invited by two of my work collegues. Wow...... I had forgotten just how unremittingly painful track work outs were! Paired up and had to run 800 meters, 1000 meters, 1200 meters, 1000 meters and 800 meters in a continuous relay with your partner! Only three miles, so why does it hurt so much eh? Still the beer and burger afterwards helped. Hopefully this could become a bit of a regular bit of agony.

Then Thursday it was time to hit BurchField with Kevin. As we leave the parking lot a guy shouts "Hey Kevin" turns out it is another of the team Kevin organizes (Joe). Now then - Joe is the Man! KNows the trails and leads us on a magical mystery tour around bits of the park I had completely missed on my first exploration! Twist and tight (like Charlotte) but with more ups and downs and some fun obstacles and roots etc. Several "teeter-totters" the first of which nearly does for me and quite a few elevated (O.K. by about 6 inches most of the time, but still)sections.

Logs to get over (though most almost inexplicably built up on both sides - even when less than 12 inches in diameter) and some nice short steep downhill sections! All in all pretty much spot on - in no time we had over 8 miles under our belts and it was time to head back to the cars and a sneaky beer (somewhat spoiled by a policeman showing up!).

Skeets were out in full force and I'm still scratching now but it was all worth it!

Nuff already



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