Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sorry For The Inconvenience!

As of now, usual service is restored!

O.K. as you already know I have the tendency to be a bit of a lazy Bastard - but things have really gotten on top of me. You know work, family stuff (in-laws here from homeland) etc., not enough hours in the day.

Pity really cos the night ride last week was something close to epic! Now epic, as an adjective, is a little overused these days in the mountain bike fraternity. Personally epic describes a ride that is measured not in miles, but tens of miles and elevation gain in thousands rather than hundreds of feet. Against this background the last night ride wasn't epic - but it was damn close! Todd was a "no show" so George, Brain and DB made up the "three Musketeers" that assembled, in remarkably timely fashion, and launched onto the trails just after 9:30pm. Small Intestine for starters - got to love that! Now, it occurs to me that as the trail naming scheme I use is somewhat abstract (in that it doesn't coincide with any designation found on any map) I should perhaps describe the trails ridden in greater detail. To do this for an entire ride would be tedious in the extreme, so I'll parcel out the descriptions amongst future posts. For now a description of Small Intestine will suffice.

As the mane suggests it is fairly short (probably less than a mile in length) very narrow and bloody twisty. Although there is very little in elevation gain or loss the feature that makes the trail so much fun is the logs! Not big but loads of them!! Every ten feet or so there is a log to negotiate. Combined with the tight twisty nature of the trail this means there is almost no way to maintain flow or momentum. As a result it is a workout from start to finish, working the shoulders lifting that front wheel as well as the legs. Fun is enhanced mid-way by a section of small logs over a boggy patch and then a rickety bridge of small logs. All in all a joy to behold!

After SI we take the usual route down Belmont Hill and up the recently re-opened climb that formed part of the "6 hr of Patapsco" course. At the four way junction we decided BC-side was "a-callin" so we set off down the Water Break. Just across the river as we were about to emerge from the short riverside trail section car lights stopped us in our tracks - the dreaded DNR? The car slowed and parked at the exit to the trail we were on, not a good sign! Lights were extinguished, no panic though - soon as the Ranger gets out the car and heads into the trail we will simply "hightail" it out the other direction (sounds like a plan). Then to make matters interesting a second car pulls up! Could be in trouble now as our "friends" the Ranger's could potentially block both ends of the trail - HUM! At this point with minimum lights we retrace our steps (whilst Mr Ranger is planning their strategy) and then ride "sans Lights" back to the Water Break. Up we go! Always fun.

At the top I take lead duty and lead up Morning Choice, past the derelict houses thence on to Old Loop Trail and back to Cascade (via the decimated Lewis and Clarke). Head down Cascade, up the left fork "rocky climb" to the old railway ties. Brian becomes the "Decider" at the top of the climb and opts to head left down the sketchy downhill to the road. At the road nerves return - in case of a second close encounter with DNR. Lights off and we ride stealth to the swing bridge and over to BC-side.

George is in true fighting mood tonight and takes the lead up House of Pain - woo whoo! By the top we are all pretty spent but having a blast. We pause for breath and to plan the next installment, Community College loop to Soapstone meets with universal approval. Sweet riding tonight, we all look like we know what we are doing for a change! No technicals no falls and soon we are scooting down Soapstone - George takes on the big log at the top of Soapstone two or three times but hell - tonight it's not happening! Brian and I just ride the chicken run round it and spent our time laughing at George's antics!

At the base of Soapstone and it it time for stealth number 3 - ride in blissful darkness under the bridge and as no car lights are visible we light up and head for the site of our earlier sighting of the DNR. As we enter the trail we ride past 9and almost into) a group of young guys apparently night swimming in the river! We are just about to shout out warnings about our earlier DNR sighting when we realize these guys were probably in the cars we saw an hour or so earlier! DOH!

Back to HC-side another heart pumping, leg burning climb up the Water Break and it is time to think about heading back to the cars and beer. Rockburn Branch, up the Belmont Hill and it's time for Small Intestine in reverse! Big fun in either direction. At the end of Small Intestine we regroup and "synchronize watches" turns out it is five minutes to midnight! What to do? Only one sensible call - lets head left onto the New Trail and make sure we ride into tomorrow. New Trail with all it's big logs still fails to induce a fall - tonight we can do no wrong! and before we know it we are back at the cars - 15 miles and 2 and a half hours - as I said "almost an epic".

Beer and chat before heading home tired and wearing big grins! Tomorrow will be tough at work. Next week I miss out as I'm on vacation but hopefully the 20 mile night ride is only weeks away! Top F'in Notch



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