Wednesday, February 6, 2008

R & R this weekend!

It has been a complete wash for biking/training this week. The poor Monocog has sat alone and dejected in the garage whilst I have had other priorities. O.K. so I'm a bad person - get over it already!

Mid week there were attempts to get a nightride organized - Brian sent round the invitation but it wasn't to be, other plans one night and the other.... well that's a different story. I must be getting a bit paniced by the upcoming Hat run cos I actually ducked out of the nightride with brian to go for a run. Scheduled to get a 90 min run in and that had to take priority! Did what I call my "hilly run", so named cos , well it's hilly. Took the hills nice a gently and all was well until about 80 min in. My right calf has been giving notice for a while and I've been essentially ignoring it (like any runner would) because although it hurt it never got any worse. Well that changed! After 80 min running, albeit gently, I realized the pain in my calf had substantially increased to a degree where it was effecting the way I ran. BUGGER! So I limped home having covered the miles I wanted (and more) having been out for over 100 min. So some miles in but at what cost I wonder!

The weekend was a complete wash re. biking/general activity as a "boys weekend away" was planned. Biker Sean (Sean I in previous posts) had a friend from the UK over for the week so we decided to use this as an excuse to abandon families and a head west for a night drinking beer! So early(ish) on Saturday Biker Sean, his friend Seamus, Neil and I packed up the minivan and hit the road. Initial plan was to aim for Thomas WV but we are at heart lazy baskets, so after a leisurely lunch at Rocky Gap and a leisurely stroll up Evitt "Mountain" (all 1000 feet of it). We decided enough excercise had been taken and we needed a bar! So we ended up in Frostburg for the night on the basis that "hey it's a college town so Saturday night should be pretty wild".

Now we could have stayed in the Hampton Inn but in our quest for adventure we chose to stay instead at the Failinger's Hotel Gunter (ranked number 3rd best hotel in Frostburg - out of 3). Checking in we came across an elderly lady who (i) appears to be the owner and (ii) was clearly as mad as a bag of cats! The general theme of insanity was carried thoroughout the hotel with display cases crammed with stuffed animals and artifacts from days of yore and at regular intervals large dolls! It gave the feeling of being an excellent setting for a horror movie. The website proudly states "there is nowhere like it" personally I found that reassuring!

The old lady (rapidly baptised Granny Gunter) solemnly informed us (in great detail) how to unlock and then relock the rear door of the hotel as after 8pm the front desk would not be manned and the doors would be locked! The absolute necessity for locking the backdoor was underlined by her declaration that "there are people who live here full time you know - that's just how it is!" - completely barking!

The rooms were straight out of a Western movie, lace and four poster beds.

Having dumped our stuff we headed out in search of food and entertainment. First bar was called the "Draft House" as it transpired not a refernce to the beers (though it had good beer) but to the act of drafting on a bike! The bar was joined to the bike shop next door and was decorated with biking type decor - a real find. Best bar in Frostburg - ceap beer and good food.

WE were a little surprised by the lack of people in the bar but the realization that it was only 5-45 pm explained that to some degree. Spent a good amount of time in the Draft House but did also vist a bar right by the campus and ended the night in Dante's watching a second rate reggae band - except for Seamus who slept! Finally rolled out of there at 1am and stumbled back to Granny Gunter's. Only to find the back door is bloody open! Too many beers, no exercise but a worthwhile weekend on many levels.

Frostburgs worth a visit and Granny Gunter's is the place to stay if you have a sense of the ridiculous.

Till next time

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