Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sunday and an early start

With the weather being less than compliant of late and with some traveling for work, the hours with my bum on the bike have been limited. So Sunday needed to be worthwhile. Only one way to go - get out there early!

So the alarm rang at 6:15 on Sunday morning and I was at Landing Road by 7:00 - first car there - oh yeah! Soon as it was light enough I hit the trails. I did what is now the usual Sunday route but in reverse (clockwise) which somehow appears to have more uphill than the anticlockwise route (how that work?). I didn't rush myself and spent time trying out different obstacle variations. So Cascade, Ridge then back through Rockburn branch and Belmont. Did the new piece of trail in reverse for first time and it was ace! Even spent a bit of time just riding (and falling off) the log at the bottom of the Belmont hill. Back at the trail head for 8:00 and met up with the "Sunday Group", MLW, Dan "the decider" and this week Eileen and Richmond. As a happy quintet we retraced my previous tire tracks but anticlockwise this time. Richmond is an infrequent mtber - but you'd never guess - the guy knows no fear and launched his bike at every obstacle going. Fantastic ride, usual minor irritations MLW struggling with new shoes/pedals and Dan had a flat - but hell, no one died! Crowded trails this weekend, bikers in large groups for some reason, even one lady with no helmet! In-freakin-sanity!

Second lap much slower than first but 2 and 1/2 hours of fun and approx 14 miles covered, many logs ridden over ridden along and fallen off of. Loving wearing my pads, look like a complete git (especially on the rigid SS), but it's nice not to be bleeding when I get back to the car.

Feeling the need to wander and find new trails - maybe that is a resolution for 2008. Maybe if the weather gets cold enough to dissuade MLW then a trip to Frederrick will occur one of these Sundays.

No night ride this week cos I was away - and with Thanksgiving hitting this week another week sans noctural tomfoolery looks on the cards. I've ordered a new headlight (Princeton Tech), if it ever arrives (been two weeks now - that's what you get ordering from Dick's) I'll review it for anyone who stumbles across this blog. Feels lonely writing this sometimes - let me know if anyone is actually reading, not that I will stop isf noone is - but if people are actually reading this I might start using the spell check more often (but probably not).

Cheers, Happy Thanksgiving


P.S - H.R. at University of Northampton really SUCK!!!

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