Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bad Karma

It's been an odd couple of weeks since I last sat my lazy arse down to update this blog!

We've had a couple of real bad tempered rides and a couple of stormers. I put the bad tempered rides down to the changing season, it getting colder, bad weather interrupting riding time etc. For two weeks the whole riding population (yours truly included) seemed just to have a bad attitude.

First up MLW got all bent out of shape cos I lead a ride that was a bit on the long side - the first time the Sunday group has attempted both HC and BC sides of Patapsco in a single ride. maybe it was a little too much. First I got the ominous silence from MLW, then the hanging at the back of the group, but I knew I was in the Dog House when I waited for MLW to catch us up at the swing bridge (leading back to Landing) and as she passed she hissed "don't even speak to me!" Fortunately by the time we reached the cars she had cooled down and in the meantime I had dissipated my anger on four riders who decided to disregard convention and not give me the right of way despite me being the rider heading uphill just after the rock garden on Cascade. Having cleaned the rock garden for the fist time in ages and looking to go "no dabs" thru the whole section i was less than overjoyed when four mtbers heading down the hill (and having seen me approach) just hogged the center of the trail and forced me off the trail!!! The first guy just carried on but the second guy actually ran into me so we had a brief conversation. I suggested he give way to riders heading up the trail and he was chastened enough for me to feel bad at raising my voice.

But then what goes around comes around and the following week on exactly the same stretch of trail a couple of the guys in our group fell foul of trail etiquette and felt the wrath of another disgruntled mtber. I this scenario our group was indeed heading up hill but had dismounted so should really have gotten out of the way of the rider trying to clear the section. Our first rider did the decent thing and got out of the way as much as possible and received a grunt by way of thanks from the other rider. Our rider two however, being a bit more oblivious did not move from the center of the trail and took the mounted rider down - few harsh words deserved and received.

Since these two incidents though it has all been sweetness and light! I have even decided that the trail builders are not the devil's spawn I had previously presumed. In fact I realize that i have absolutely no bloody right to complain about the trails unless I get my arse out there and do some trail maintenance. However they have just put in a new piece of trail HC side which is absolutely bloody fantastic! Short but the best fun ever - ridden it twice now (first on a night ride) then in the light - LOVE IT! Big obstacles and wicked stream crossing.

The night ride with George was of note only because the aforementioned trail builders have rearranged the Hilton portion so that we got horribly lost (for the second night ride in a row) - no one got hurt this time.

Looking to get out with some night riding newbies in the next week or so - should be worth writing about.


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