The call went out for the post-Turkey day ride but the uptake was pitiful - even given the announcement that it would be the first outing this year for the DogzBollux "holiday helmet". People out of town visiting the folks I guess. With MLW not feeling well at one point Sunday looked like it could turn into a solo ride. But then Greg came to the rescue! Bedecked in his new "cold weather-tights" and feeling a little silly (cos he usually wears baggies) he and me are the only takers. Pity really cos the weather and the trails were beautiful, mostly a golden lawn of freshly fallen leaves all over Patapsco.

A little cold when we hit the trails so I had the foresight to jam an extra pair of gloves into my back pocket - what a fabulous decsion, second water crosing (and I have just gotten feeling back in my fingers) and I make a complete balls up of the approach and end up off the bike and in the water. Fortunately not too wet cos I got my hands down, but the gloves were gonna's - totally saturated. Now.. were it not for my extra gloves the rest of the ride would have been bloody miserable, but as it was - fantastic!
So did lots of trails that we don't usually do - or rode trails we often ride but in the opposite direction. the highlight is still the new loggy section near Rockburn park entrance - did it twice, once in either direction. Took in the derelict houses section that I haven't done in an age. All in all 90 min (ish) of pretty sustained effort and plenty of time to try lots of the extra point obstacles. Fun ride - missing the night rides which haven't happened for the past three weeks and feeling fat (sepecially after turkey day excesse).
Next few weeks should be some prime riding - gor to check out the new Princetontec Yukon helmet light (report will follow) and have just ordered the first upgrad to the trustly Monocog - decided it was time to go disc, so Avid disc brakes ordered from Pricepoint and will be counted as an early Birthday present.
Hope all had a great Thanksgiving and have as much to be thanskful for as Yours Truly.