Well my recovery from the HAT Run was far quicker than anticipated. I suspect my absymally low level of fitness for the HAT actually prevented me running hard enough to do any real damage. Whatever.... by Sunday although a little on the achy side I was able to take a limite role in the inauguaral "Mommies Gone Wild" Irongirl triathlon preparation road ride. A group of six or so of the "Mommies Gone Wild" assembled at the Bollux mansion (I wish) and after some degree of tinkering with bikes (saddle heights, brake adjustments, tire inflation etc) we set off. I was on the faithful old fixie and took the "Lanterne Rouge" position. Turns out one of the girls hasn't been on a bike since she was 17 years old! And has never ridden a bike in traffic! Despite this after an initial dodgy start - which allowed the rest of the group to disapear out of sight never to be seen again - she actually made a really fine attempt. We didn't make it too far but she overcame the obvious terror she experienced at riding on a road with cars and by the end she was looking a far more accomplished rider. The rest of the group successfully completed the 12 mile hilly route taking in Homewood Road, Folly Quarter and Tridelphia Road. All good and lots of smiles on the ladies faces at the end.
All smiles after the inaugural "Mommies gone Wild" training ride
Since then mainly running in preparation for a potential bash at the Columbia Clydes 10 K run on 20 April. Babysitting issues may scupper this as MLW is away that weekend doing an adventure race.
Then last weekend we took a weekend away (sans kids!!) to New York! Bloody great - using Hotwire.com got a reasonable deal on a hotel on 42nd street (right by the Chrysler Building - which is probably my favorite building in NY). Did all the usual tourist things - too much eating/drinking, took in a show, walked all over Manhatten and even managed a jog around central Park. Got home Sunday night absolutely knackered - but still forced myself to take the "Tomac" Rockhopper out of a 1 hour "nightride" around Columbia (mainly bike trails but some bits of single track too). I need the bum on saddle time in preparation for Lodi. Haven't even sat on the Monocog for 3 weeks now. : (
Talking of Lodi - it is only a couple of weeks away and I finally committed the entry fee (solo SSer again). Could be interesting cos apparently there will likely be no rental lights this year so I will have to rely on borrowing units from non-participating friends. Ho Hum.
Oh well I best get out and do another run!
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