Friday, December 19, 2008

Colonic Irritation!

Took advantage of a very short respite provided by Mother Nature (in that it didn't bloody rain for a whole 48 hrs straight) to get out for a night ride. Short notice so participation was restricted to just Todd and myself. Turned out to be a very disappointing ride on all levels!

Headed off from the usual launch site and headed as is customary for the fun that is Small Intestine! Got to the trail head to find....... SHOCK HORROR the trail has been completely dismantled! Not only that but New Trail has suffered the same awful fate! (So too it transpired later had the loggy section at the top of Small Intestine!) Big time downer! My two favorite trails on the HC side are no more. Trying hard to recover from the shock we headed up to Belmont and thence down to the Purple Trail. The Purple Trail was a mess! Being the good souls we are we didn't attempt to ride this (cos we'd just chew it up) but walked our bike to the top in somber mood - sloppy trails and destruction of favorite sections, the night would never recover! Hard to take that trails like Small Intestine that drained pretty damn well and were as fun as hell to ride should be trashed while sections like the Purple Trail that drains horribly and is no fun at all even when dry should be promoted! Ho Hum.

Once on Ridge things were a little better but we decided that in deference to the trail conditions we'd cut it short - past the derelict houses and back to Morning Choice. Nice to get out and blow some air through the lungs, it feels like it's been too long. Rode for a while on the Rockburn park side, just to put in some miles then back to the cars. Stopped at the New Trail entrance and surveyed damage - total trail annihilation, took a photo to commemorate the fall of a once good friend and back to the vehicles for a couple of solemn beers - a wake to fallen trails we have known and loved.

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