Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Post-Race Down Time

Well it's been a pretty low key kind of week following the SM100. A time for discovering that (i) I can't spell Eatough! (I could go back and edit my race report, but stuff it, I'll let my stupidity stay a matter of record) and (ii) my time at SM100 really was VERY average. I was kind of happy with a time under 12 hours, but on Monday morning as I made a trip to Safeway for milk - wearing my SM100 T-shirt (Poseur!) a young lady calls across the carpark "hey, you did the SM100?" It's not very often I attact the attention of ladies so I stop to chat, I confirm yes I did it and talk about long rides we have each done - she did a 24 h rtace as a 5 lady team a few months ago etc. She asks me my time.... "Oh about 11 and a quarter" I say nonchalently (rounding my time down a few minutes). Oh she replies - hardly able to disguise her disapointment - "I suppose it is a long way and just finishing is an achievement". Cheeky mare!

O.K. so back to riding.

Midweek night ride as per usual, visiting both sides of Patapsco - the only event of note was George nearly killing himself blazing down "House of Pain" on his Nomad. He cuts a corner at the bottom through some long grass to discover the long grass is hiding a log! Oh Dear - smacks his ankle on the log, flys through the air "sans bike" and both end up about ten yards down the trail stranded on their backs like turtles! A few minutes to gather himself and George (who knows no pain!) is fine. Other than that nice ride a reasonable 11 miles

Sunday and the group is thinning - just MLW, Sean and me. We hit from Landing and do a slightly longer loop taking in a few extra nice climbs and a rooty decent (which MLW nails!). Nice easy paced ride which gave us the chance to try a few new logs - both Sean and I spending time getting to grips with riding along the log just over the water at the base of the Belmont rocky decent. Nice work!

Commuting "au velo" is out for the foreseeable future as I have to take my youngest to preschool - oh well have to take up some of the slack running and other boring stuff.

Cheers - keep it real


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